The reason for our work
To master a set of selected technologies that makes our satellites, products and derived services unique as a whole for the long term benefit of our clients, mankind and the environment..
To master a set of selected technologies that makes our satellites, products and derived services unique as a whole for the long term benefit of our clients, mankind and the environment..
Every project we start contains many unknown dimensions; we enjoy exploring them in all possible ways, exposing weaknesses and problems to be solved. Our work is pioneering both technically and socially, as we create new paths for many to follow.
The largest possible result with the smallest possible effort. No useless superstructure and the fullest use of available resources.
1. To demonstrate novel nanosatellite architecture and technologies capable to achieve the same performances of orders of magnitude larger satellites.
2. To create a series of constellations of nanosatellites based on our novel architecture and technologies for applications of commercial use.
3. To enable and contribute to asteroid recovery and repurposing in Earth Orbit for Human settlement in the coming Astrolithic Age.
We excel because we make in house everything that is simple enough to avoid intermediaries and...
... all that is difficult enough to make us unique, special, exclusive and 10 years ahead everyone else.
Everybody can learn to make Space and there is much more than space in Space. We enjoy including and involving young minded people from all over the world.