We create Electronics Instruments, Analog, Digital and Embedded Systems Applications.

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Project Feasibility Studies

We take any first idea or concept to its practical and feasible embodiement with minimal initial cost. We sketch several solutions and discuss them with our partners and clients to find what best satisfies the technologies, products and applications requirements.


We define the detailed requirements and we evaluate the effort from start to end, all inclusive, to reach a fully functional prototype entirely representative and as much as possible equivalent to the final product.

Technologies Research

Our specialty is to create new technologies to cover any gap or to lower costs by orders of magnitude. We have long exeprience in fast development and prototyping of devices and systems in several fields of engineering and applications.

Product Development

We define the architecture, design, build and test all prototypes in house. When needed we select the best Off-the-Shelf components, otherwise we custom build every part, circuit, algorithm and code. We deliver them to our clients and test them together so the teams can get confident and apreciate the results.


All design details, prototyping work and testing are fully documented. A comprehensive report helps the final user in the familiarization with the system and to migrate our work on serial production.

Serial Production

We can arrange the serial production of the products we develop and we can follow them on the field to observe the performances and to propose improvements, perform iterations or create new versions.

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